Friday, March 2, 2012

*.*Fill in the Blank Friday*.*

Linking up with "the little things we do" this week:

1.  The highlight of my week was  winning/(using today) a FREE paid time off day!

2.   If I had to classify my interior design aesthetic it would be   well depends on my mood--how about modern country chic?

3.  My first vehicle was   a turquoise Chevy Beretta--can't remember the year. The whole car shook like a bowl full of jelly if you went over 50 mph.

4. An item I need to have in my day in order to function is coffee and FiberOne cereal bars.

5. My favorite way to waste time is  by reading different blogs start to finish :) I know, creepy, right?

6. Right now I could really go for   a mango smoothie.

7.  This weekend I will be  cleaning and organizing probably!