Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fill in the blank FRIDAY

....A day late...better late than never? Hey, I've been busy folks. :)

1) My favorite flower is....peonies. Love them. And gerber daisies. I guess you could say I like my flowers big and beautiful.

2) You should never talk about....I want to say religion or politics, but I want to CLARIFY religion only if you are talking to someone thick-headed :)

3) My favorite discovery as of late is...almonds. I know, sad. I guess this is 'new' for me because when I first tried eating them plain the kind I got were just nasty to me and didn't taste right. But then I found Blue Diamond's Natural Whole Almonds and yum. Honestly I think what happened is the ones I tried before were seasoned or something and I prefer them without any of that. But these 'new' almonds are great and addicting---a good healthy snack for me. 

4) This fall you will probably find me, scarves and sweaters. I started wearing the boots and sweaters a couple of weeks ago. We got a cold front and its been perfect sweater weather. 

5) I wish I were....still on vacation and not going back to work on Monday. Eck.

6) My favorite TV show currently is...Well the Real Housewives of New Jersey is just wrapping up so I don't know if I can count that? I actually haven't been too good about watching tv lately--we've been DVR(ing) a bunch of stuff lately and  I just haven't had a chance to watch most of it. I've been DVR(ing) 2 Broke Girls, How I met your Mother, Parenthood, Gossip Girl, the Office, and have been watching Grey's Anatomy and Revenge live. 666 Park Avenue isn't too bad either, but not sure if its going to last or not since I like GCB and they cancelled that. 

7) This weekend I want exactly what I'm doing now :) Ah, the perks of a late post? I slept late and lounged around watching Christmas cartoons/movies while getting a few things done around the house. Tonight, hubby and I are going out to eat for our FIVE-YEAR anniversary (woo!). And tomorrow its back to the grind, I think.