Refreshed. Renewed. Re-energized. Why? Well, a couple of reasons.
First, there is still snow outside and that's pretty. Temps are increasing our way though, so I don't think it'll last much longer :(
Second, its Sunday and I still have tomorrow off work. Yay!
Third, reading a GREAT book. This book:
I started this great little book the other day but really started reading it today. It's by Todd Burpo, a pastor out in Nebraska. Back when his son Colton was three he suffered a burst appendix but by the time the doctors figured it out, the poison from his appendix was leaking out for
five days. Can you imagine?? This little boy was on the verge of death so they raced him into emergency surgery and, after a very long, uncertain haul, he finally made it back to health. It wasn't until months later that Colton started clue-ing his parents in that he had experienced something
amazing. He started telling his parents about his visit to heaven and was able to tell them things in his three-year-old vernacular that let's face it, three-year-olds just aren't taught as such an early age and he had no other way of knowing. I think my favorite so far is him telling his dad that Jesus has markers. (Intrigued? Well then read it! :) ) He even told his parents what he saw his parents doing while he was in surgery...somewhat creepy, but oh... I'm only about half-way through this book but just to read about all this family went through just put me in tears and reading the three-year-old words are just so cute and inspiring and renewing. So
yes, I recommend it. Hah.
Ooooh and another reason why today is a good day...this morning when I stepped on the scale I saw a number that I haven't seen in months--a good number! Yay!! I've been trying to be really good about what I eat and my activity level lately and I'll admit it, it was HARD. I broke down a few times. It didn't seem to be working or paying off--very frustrating. But this morning made it all worth it :)