Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tea infuser

Finally used my tea infuser for the first time! I've had this cute little kit for quite some time (got it from the beyond amazing World Market) but have just been plain lazy with my tea and using tea bags. Yes, I am BOTH a coffee AND tea person. Yum. I had a period of time last year where my doctor restricted me because he thought there was something wrong with my heart. So in between that day and the day about a MONTH later when I saw my heart specialist I could not have any caffeine (which includes chocolate), alcohol, limit stress and limit exercise. It.was.awful. Mostly because I didn't know what was going to happen, though. Honestly, I'm still not entirely sure what the deal is, but my "issues" have been minimal since that time and the heart specialist told me to go ahead and get back to my life and just let him know if "other" things happened. So ANYWHO....

Look! Ain't it cute?????!
Exterior of box

Interior of box
Earl Grey--my favorite!
Fill infuser with tea leaves
Put in mug
Serve! Yumm

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