Friday, April 27, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

The Little Things We Do Link-Up

1.  When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is, feed my cats--lol. They won't let me do ANYTHING until I feed them, so its automatic now.

2.   I can hardly wait for   the new house!.

3.  The quickest way to my heart is   listening to me    because   ....I don't know...I have a complex?

4. A little known fact about me is that    I used to play the drums!! But primarily I suppose I'm more a piano player---I taught myself when I was little. I've been told I have a "piano player's hands" meaning I have looooong fingers.

5. The best part about my job is    I get to help people and they are thankful for it and don't have a sense of entitlement (like they did in my last job)

6. Something I just couldn't live without is    eye liner. BLACK.

7.  Something useful that I wish I knew how to do is  dance. I'm awful. Okay, I apparently have a complex about a lot of things!

1 comment:

  1. Heehee, your answers are cute. Dancing is SOOO fun -- take a funky hip-hop class with some friends. It's so fun to giggle your way through it ;]

    Have a great weekend!
