Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pioneer Village

Hi everyone--today me and the hubby and the folks went to the pioneer village in our area. Yes, we have one of those. Nope, no pictures--sorry! It was rainy and kind of cold but it was still a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon. They had craft vendors out but we hated to really buy anything that had been out in the rain. Tried kettle corn for the first time--okay so now I get why people walk around with big bags of kettle corn--its addicting!

I have tomorrow off from work and am planning on doing some indoor painting. Nothing major, just touch-ups on some kitchen cabinets and a wall in one of our bathrooms and I will be repainting our main bathroom cabinets--the paint on them is not only chipping off but peeling--its awful. Pictures will probably follow.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

100 Days of Holidays

I signed up for Better Homes and Gardens' 100 Days of Holidays newsletter recently and have started getting some great emails with some tips, recipes and crafts I just can't wait to begin. But I get so caught up in my daily to-do's that I often miss out on the hobbies I enjoy and the things that actually make me happy (which means I'm often a grumpy-pants). I'm reminded of this fact all the time, especially days like today when my hubby is relaxing in his home office watching football all day and I'm left with a big to-do list. So jealous! There is absolutely no (real or good) reason why I can't find the time to enjoy my hobbies, too. So I'm really going to try to make an effort to make more me time. One way I'm planning on doing this is making a regular schedule for getting routine things done. I stole a pretty calendar from my hubby's office (this is in girl colors--I have no idea why he even had this?!!) and I'm going to figure out the best days for doing which tasks and try to space things out so I'm not constantly frantic and reminded of all the things I need to do yet.

Pretty calendar!
Another way I'm going to try to achieve this is by making myself more accountable by posting some fun to-do's on this blog. So probably more posts from me soon!

You can sign up for the newsletter I mentioned in this post and others at the Better Homes and Gardens website here.


I've been a member of this website for years. It used to be called "PromoSquad". This is a great website where you get to listen to some new/some older songs and rate them. This helps record producers/execs figure out what songs are going to work, which need some work, etc. For each song you rate you get points and in return, you can redeem your points for prizes such as books, make-up, CDs, DVDs, etc. Sooo much fun. And its all FREE to you!

Join me on HitPredictor!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog Thief :)

Trying to cheer myself up today so I'm blog stalking. That usually does the trick :) Oh, and I'm canning more tomato juice for chili this winter. Its in the final step so now I am back to blog stalking...and here's a little survey thing I found that I decided to fill out:

I can't:
  •  hula hoop. Dunno what happened, I just can't do it anymore.
  • dance. Maybe that's why I can't hula hoop?
  • speak another language.
I can:
  • sing fairly well
  • bake
  • skate (roller and ice but my favorite is ice, even though I hardly EVER get to go)
I won't:
  •  eat junk food tonight
  • worry about watering my plants tonight, because it finally rained and cooled down here!
  • make dinner tonight because we still have leftovers from my hubby grilling last night
I will:
  •  more than likely be grumpy in the morning
  • try to go to bed early tonight
  • cuddle with my kitties tonight
I shouldn't:
  •  always hit the snooze button in the morning
  • drink so much soda
  • run late to work every morning
I should:
  • go on a walk because its so nice out
  • go sit under the gazebo and read while its still light out
  • go give my hubby a hug

Happy Labor Day

It is absolutely beautiful outside today---very fall-like, which is my favorite season. And I have the day off. So I should be ecstatic.

But I am down and out today. The fact that I have to get up and go back to work tomorrow really just makes me want to cry. So I am just blue today and don't feel like doing anything. And I hate the fact that I am letting tomorrow ruin my today.