Saturday, January 21, 2012

Tea infuser

Finally used my tea infuser for the first time! I've had this cute little kit for quite some time (got it from the beyond amazing World Market) but have just been plain lazy with my tea and using tea bags. Yes, I am BOTH a coffee AND tea person. Yum. I had a period of time last year where my doctor restricted me because he thought there was something wrong with my heart. So in between that day and the day about a MONTH later when I saw my heart specialist I could not have any caffeine (which includes chocolate), alcohol, limit stress and limit exercise. It.was.awful. Mostly because I didn't know what was going to happen, though. Honestly, I'm still not entirely sure what the deal is, but my "issues" have been minimal since that time and the heart specialist told me to go ahead and get back to my life and just let him know if "other" things happened. So ANYWHO....

Look! Ain't it cute?????!
Exterior of box

Interior of box
Earl Grey--my favorite!
Fill infuser with tea leaves
Put in mug
Serve! Yumm

Just another lovely Ice Storm...

We had another ice storm here last night. Luckily, it was nothing near like the ice storm we had last year, but its still pretty bad. Our roads are just caked in ice. So pretty though! We didn't have to go out in it at all last night but I guess for those who did, some were stranded for up to five hours on the roads and many out-of-towners had to find a place to stay in town overnight. Now, my town isn't the largest in the world, but its not itty-bitty (like my hometown of 300, lol) either. I think there's maybe 15,000 people? I dunno, but anyway, the state police was saying this morning that there were literally hundreds of accidents last night in and around our town, due to the weather. Yikes! I'm so happy I stayed in and watched Teen Mom 2 on Netflix last night haha!

This is one of the roads that surrounds our house--and no, that is NOT water. Pure ice, baby!

Welp, I think I am off to bake some muffins! :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Okay well, my first time doing this so hopefully I didn't goof it up, lol!

What I'm loving today......

This CD--ya know, the song from the movie Fireproof? Check 'er out!

 That's a great movie, too, by the way--if you haven't seen it you should watch it!

Not too many pages in, but this is really good so far--would probably make for a good summer read!

I seriously probably eat wayyyyyyyyy too many of these. But they are so yummy.

Such a great ensemble--wish I could wear cute stuff like this to work!

Hah....Psycho anyone?

So cute! Can't wait until my hair is long again!

Oh how I do love books and libraries....

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday Monday

Well, today was the last day of my three-day weekend. Back to work tomorrow, BOO. I didn't really accomplish much today, felt pretty restless actually. We are back to having 50-degree days here again (after last week's one-day snowstorm), and I think its made me restless. I'm ready to hit the trails. Its so much easier for me to exercise outside. And prettier. I got bored today and decided to take off and take some pictures. Then I remembered I left my camera at home...hah. But I took a few around the house....

Kitty, not impressed by Hello Kitty footy pajamas.

Kitty, reacting to flash of the camera.

Kitty, now in love with Hello Kitty footy pajamas.

"I made this"

WELL, my hubby liked it...

Hugs 'n' Kissies
January sunset. Purty.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Today I am Feeling....

Refreshed. Renewed. Re-energized. Why? Well, a couple of reasons.

First, there is still snow outside and that's pretty. Temps are increasing our way though, so I don't think it'll last much longer :(

Second, its Sunday and I still have tomorrow off work. Yay!

Third, reading a GREAT book. This book:
Photo courtesy of

I started this great little book the other day but really started reading it today. It's by Todd Burpo, a pastor out in Nebraska. Back when his son Colton was three he suffered a burst appendix but by the time the doctors figured it out, the poison from his appendix was leaking out for five days. Can you imagine?? This little boy was on the verge of death so they raced him into emergency surgery and, after a very long, uncertain haul, he finally made it back to health. It wasn't until months later that Colton started clue-ing his parents in that he had experienced something amazing. He started telling his parents about his visit to heaven and was able to tell them things in his three-year-old vernacular that let's face it, three-year-olds just aren't taught as such an early age and he had no other way of knowing. I think my favorite so far is him telling his dad that Jesus has markers. (Intrigued? Well then read it! :) ) He even told his parents what he saw his parents doing while he was in surgery...somewhat creepy, but oh... I'm only about half-way through this book but just to read about all this family went through just put me in tears and reading the three-year-old words are just so cute and inspiring and renewing. So yes, I recommend it. Hah.

Ooooh and another reason why today is a good day...this morning when I stepped on the scale I saw a number that I haven't seen in months--a good number! Yay!! I've been trying to be really good about what I eat and my activity level lately and I'll admit it, it was HARD. I broke down a few times. It didn't seem to be working or paying off--very frustrating. But this morning made it all worth it :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fabulous Friday!

Why is today such a Fabulous Friday?

1) It's the start of a three-day weekend!
Granted, that may not mean much since we just had all that time off for the holidays, but I sure appreciate it. Going back to work is exhausting!

Yesterday we got our first snowstorm of the season. It was sooo nasty in the commute to work yesterday morning but I made it...what's sad though is that I live literally five minutes from work and it took me a 1/2 hour to get to work yesterday! Roads were pretty good today, though. I know its hard to see because its dark, but I just ran outside and took a picture of the snow, lol! :

So sorry so hard to see! But off there to the left is a tree and if you look closely you can see the squirrel tracks in the snow hehe.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. Hard to believe its over. I've been off work for so long now it really feels like a vacation (much-needed, too, by the way). I took another great picture of our tree so I had to share :)

Uber pretty, right?

Two of my favorite gifts this year were a pair of Hello Kitty footy pajamas and a dress form. I loveeee footy pajamas. They are so warm and comfy. Here's a picture of the dress form my hubby got for me:

Not sharing a photo of me in my footy pajamas :)