Sunday, July 29, 2012

.::Sunday Social::.

1) What is your dream job?

Stay at home mom. No, really. Would LOVE to be able to do that. Actually, I COULD do that, we just live in a society (and I, in a family) that disagrees with the concept. But I'll leave it at that and not prolong it :)

2) If you had just won the lottery and didn't need to work for money, what would you do with your time? 

See #1. Or, if that couldn't happen immediately or at all, I would probably travel the world....slowly. So I could take as much as possible in and enjoy it. That's the key word..slow. I would slow things down.

3) When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A singer. Still do some days. I grew up on/with music. And I'm not too bad if I do say so myself :) But I would have awful stage presence. I'm a skeerdy cat like that.

4) What piece career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?

Listen. (I work in social services).

5) Biggest Pet Peeves either in life or in blogging or at work:

 People who are in such a big hurry that they make things dangerous for the rest of us. People who've always had everything handed to them and think it should continue as that once they are out in the 'real world'. Cooing and cawing and cackling when you are trying to work. People who let their kids run wild and do whatever they want and don't say anything or do anything or even apologize for it. Case in point: went out to dinner yesterday and a lady let her kid spit on ME and in my DRINK and didn't even bat an eye about it. HELLO. What kind of people are these kids going to grow up to be? (That's what I need to be a stay at home mom LOL).

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